結婚 国際結婚

If a foreigner marries a Japanese person, what will their surname be in Japan?

In this article, we will explain what happens to the surname a foreigner who marries a Japanese person will have in Japan.

If a foreigner marries a Japanese person, what will their surname be in Japan?

日本 国旗

In Japan, when a foreigner marries a Japanese person, the couple generally have to use different surnames, but they can take the same surname if they file a notification.

Also, if certain requirements are met, they can combine their two surnames to create a “composite surname” or use the “nickname” of their foreign spouse.

In addition, when two Japanese people marry each other, the couple must have the same surname in Japan.

Surname change procedure in Japan

After an international marriage, what procedures are required regarding surnames in Japan?

We will explain the surname procedure in the following order. Click on it to move to the corresponding explanation.

①When a Japanese and a foreign couple use different surnames

In Japan, if a Japanese and a foreigner who got married internationally do not change their surnames and want to use separate surnames for the couple, there is no problem as long as they only submit a “marriage registration” and there is no procedure for changing the surnames for the couple.
Submitting a marriage registration will not automatically change your name to your partner’s last name.

②When a foreigner changes their surname to their Japanese spouse’s

The way for a foreigner in Japan to change their Japanese spouse’s surname is to register the common name at the local government office.

The characters that can be used in common name at Japanese government offices are hiragana, katakana, kanji, and immigration bureau correct characters.
The alphabet, Western characters, Hangul, symbols, etc. cannot be used.

For information on how to register at your local government office and other changes, please see the article below.
Name change for foreigners living in Japan


We have explained the procedures for changing surnames when a foreigner marries a Japanese person.

If a Japanese person wants to change their surname to a compound surname, they will need permission from the family court, but the requirements for permission to change are not low and detailed knowledge of the procedures is required.

If you would like to consult about family court procedures, the first consultation is free, so please feel free to contact Everest Judicial Scrivener’s Office.


If you are concerned about changing your name, please contact Everest, a judicial scrivener’s office.


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